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"The wonders of NIKA2" by Stefano Berta and Samuel Leclercq

The New IRAM KID Array 2 (NIKA2) is a dual-band continuum camera operating at the IRAM 30m telescopeon the Sierra Nevada, in Spain. It is equipped with three frequency-multiplexed kilopixels arrays of Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors (LEKID) cooled at 150mK. NIKA2 observes simultaneously at 1.2 and 2.0 mm, and has polarimetry capabilities at 1.2 mm. We will introduce you to the NIKA2 instrument, its state of the art KIDs technology, its current performance and its bright future. We will present a panoramic of the most recent science results obtained by NIKA2 : the five Guaranteed Time Large Programs, as well as few selected Open Time projects. Join us in this trip through the Milky Way disk, to nearby star forming galaxies, powerful distant starbursts and massive clusters of galaxies !

Mis à jour le 13 septembre 2024