
NIKA2 is a general purpose instrument open to the IRAM community in fall 2017 in the usual competitive IRAM open time allocation process. In reward of building and maintaining the camera, the NIKA2 collaboration has been granted a total of 1300 hours of guaranteed time of observation that are shared among 5 Large Programs.

Clusters of galaxies via the Sunyaev Zel’dovitch effect

We intend to observe a cosmologically representative, large sample of clusters with redshift between 0.5 and 1.5. The main output of the program will be the study of the redshift evolution of the cluster pressure profile as well as that of the scaling laws relating the cluster global properties, the Y (integrated Compton parameter) and T (temperature) for example, to their mass. This will be achieved by combining the NIKA2 data with ancillary data including X-rays and optical observations (…)

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Deep surveys

With its high mapping speed and dual wavelength observations, NIKA2 provides a new view of the distant Universe. Mapping large areas at a depth close to the confusion limit, it detects hundreds of dust-obscured optically-faint galaxies during their major episodes of formation in the early universe.
Active star formation in dusty, optically obscured galaxies manifests itself in far-infrared to millimeter wavelength observations. The key feature that makes submm/mm-wave observations of (…)

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Mapping the insterstellar medium

The stellar initial mass function (IMF) is a fundamental global output of the star formation process, and the question of its origin and universality has been a long-standing open issue. While the base of the IMF (∼ solar-type stars) is likely inherited from the prestellar core mass function and may result from gravo-turbulent cloud fragmentation, the problem of how the most extreme stellar objects (high-mass stars and brown dwarfs) build up their masses is completely unsettled. This issue (…)

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Nearby Galaxies

Herschel 160μm images of M100[NGC4321] (left) and M99[NGC4254] (right) illustrating the instantaneous NIKA2 field of view
The mm part of the spectrum is one of the least explored parts of a galaxy‘s spectral energy distribution (SED), yet it contains emission from three fundamentally important physical processes. These processes are thermal emission from dust, free-free emission from ionized gas and synchrotron emission from relativistic charged particles moving in the galactic magnetic (…)

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Polarization measurements of Galactic regions

Magnetic fields are believed to be a major player at almost every stage of star formation but remain very poorly constrained observationally (e.g. Crutcher et al. 2010). In particular, if sufficiently strong, magnetic fields can support star-forming clouds and pre-stellar cores against gravitational collapse and therefore at least partly explain the observed inefficiency of the star formation process. Magnetic fields also provide a viable mechanism to transport angular momentum outward (…)

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