The NIKA2 Project

The New IRAM Kids Arrays (NIKA2) is the next generation continuum instrument installed at the 30m telescope of IRAM, at Pico Veleta (Spain). Our consortium, lead by A. Benoit and A. Monfardini (Institut Néel) has designed, built, tested and commissioned the instrument. The instrument is based on Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDS). The baseline detector focal plane units consist of 1000 detectors at 2mm and 4000 detectors at 1.25mm. The instrument will provide the measurement of the linear polarization at 1.25mm.

NIKA2 is built on the experience of the New IRAM Kids Array (NIKA) prototype that has been successfully tested at Pico Veleta.

For any question, please send an email to nicolas.ponthieu at

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